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This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Thomson Tafor who was born in Cameroon on May 5, 1972 and passed away on February 3, 2013 in Madison, WI.   You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

The Cameroon community in Madison is sad and heart broken to announce the death of their beloved member, friend, and brother, Mr. Thomson Tafor Nchang, who passed away on Sunday February 3, 2013 following a brain aneurysm. Thomson was born in Akum, Mezam on May 5, 1972 to Pa Clement Nchang (RIP, 2011) and Ma Agnes Ngum.


Thomson leaves behind a wife and two young daughters. The community is reaching out to you for financial support to help the family take Thomson’s corpse to his resting place in Akum village in the Northwest Region of Cameroon. We appeal to all of you to generously help the needy family since Thomson was the sole breadwinner in the family.  The wife is a student without a job and with two young babies. Please, send your donation through any of the following accounts:

1.   Wells Fargo Bank:
      RTN   075911988
      Acct# 1252061724
c/o: John Tembei

2.   Bank of America: 
      RTN   071103619
      Acct# 002912945358
c/o: Mary Tegomoh,

Check may be made to TAFOR MEMORIAL FUND mailed to:
Dr. John Tembei
2648 Quartz Rd
Fitchburg, WI 53711
Tel: 608-381-2000


Thank you for your generosity. We will update the site as more information is available.  You may contact any of the following for more information:

Eileen Nfor


John Nkemnji

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