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Dorothy Tembei Friend February 13, 2013
God, why do good people suffer?" Job was a devoted christian, goes to church every Sunday, loves life and humanity. One day his only son suddenly was taken by God. Job was so distraught and upset and questioned God's loyalty. Job, later in life came to a consensus that taking away his only son from him did not mean that God hated him. God simply loved his son a little more.

Thomson God loves you. He will guide you throughout your long journey. I will forever miss you. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten. Thomson, your kindness and generosity was very distinquished toward my family, and the ASCAM/Cameroonians here in Madison. You were a brother, and a friend of my family here in  Madison that your absence has created a void in our hearts. You were alway there to help me load my container of goods to Cameroon each time I needed you. You were my teacher, my advisor, a true friend and of course, a faithful friend.  I write down these words with tears in my eyes and sorrows. My heart bleeds for your lost. I am the owner of a store because of you Thomson. I will never forget those times that you helped me in the stores whenever I met you there, you selected the best goods for my store, and each time with a helping hand to load heavy goods into my car. You helped me a lot when my husband had surgery.  I thank you and for the short time with us here in Madison. My heart is very heavy with sorrows. May God bless you and be with you at all times. You will forever be remembered.

Love Ma Dorothy
Dorothy Tembei Friend February 13, 2013
God, "why do good people sufffer?" Job was a devoted Christian, goes to church every Sunday, loves life and humanity. One day his only son suddenly  was taken by God
Blaise Foueppe Friend February 7, 2013
 I knew Thomson from the first day he entered in this country as he landed in the same home i did when I first got here. So we've been more likely brothers than merely friends. Thomson was a man of character with a great sense of sociability. He refered to anybody he knew as brother or sister and he did that with everyone regardless of who and what we were.
   Thomson brought in Madison a new social philosophy that proves wrong the idea  that in US people are too busy to have a social life. he would never call someone prior to pay him a visit. And never he complained of not getting reciprocal treatment. Although every other people was telling me that I'm never home for exemple, Thomson always found me home during the uncountable times he paid me and my family unexpected visits. It was surely the same for everyone he knew. Another enigma with him is that he was very busy too; working for paycheck and for himself, but he paradoxally found time to check on his close ones; which is another point that contradicts the excuse people have for their antisocial habit in US; being too busy with several jobs or long weekly hours of work. By this philosophy, he tried to show us that we can still have here life that our people have back home, as per our culture: solidarity, love, and brothership.
    Besides, thomson was a very compassionate person who always put on other people's shoes to understand what they are going through. he had in fact, a great concern about his people back home. But he did not only share difficult moments with his acquaintances, he also was also there to enjoy or celebrate good days. 
     The last thing I would mention about him is the wisdom he had to bring ideas and solution to matters. He was wiser than a man of his age. he was the only one i consulted upon challenging issues regarding me and my family and always i returned with some good insight.
      I'm certain that he who knew Thomson would share the same memories with me. A great man desserves great consideration. Let's give back to Thomson what he also gave us: that love, that solidarity, that generosity,and that brothership.
      Thomson, your in heaven and you will for ever remain in our hearts.
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